From item girl to vamp to girl next door. Eesha Koppikar has lived up to every guy's fantasy by excelling in each of these roles. She has charmed her way into our hearts with her drop dead gorgeous looks and her sizzling performances. Read on as Eesha shares sweet little nothings even as she makes a devastating disclosure in the men's magazine FHM.
Eesha Koppikhar breezes into my studio an hour late, walking on those long, shapely legs and apologizes demurely. Awww! That million-dollar smile she flashes at me! I have forgiven her already. As she puts her makeup on, we get to reminiscing the last time she sipped that extra-strong tea from my flask. 'Yeesh! Don't even remind me. I don't have the stomach for your chai!' I look at her flatter-than-ironing-board stomach and wonder what it takes to get a new-age body like hers. 'Yoga,' she squeals with delight. 'And salads and meditation. You can't go wrong with good old Indian values.' Well, to be honest, my good-old-Indian-values fast evaporate as Eesha effortlessly cavorts and romances the camera. And while my camera whirrs and purrs, I can't help but think…Eesha's made for the arc lights.
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