Actress Geeta Basra was spotted entering cricketer Harbhajan Singh's room at the Taj Lands End Hotel in Bandra on Saturday night. Although rumour mills have been buzzing about their proximity for a while, Basra rubbishes them with the usual, 'We are just good friends' line.
"We are a small group of friends and whenever he is in Mumbai, we catch up. He is a fun-loving guy and we just chill out," said Geeta. The cricketer was in the city to promote the reality show Ek Khiladi Ek Haseena that begins later this week.
"We are a small group of friends and whenever he is in Mumbai, we catch up. He is a fun-loving guy and we just chill out," said Geeta. The cricketer was in the city to promote the reality show Ek Khiladi Ek Haseena that begins later this week.