The e-mail sent by one Natasha Rodrigues reads, "Recently, I came across this article about actress Ameesha Patel's London-based businessman boyfriend Kanav Puri on the internet. This is an article which was printed on the internet in July, 2004 (link) before he and Ameesha fell hopelessly in love. This is the true picture of Kanav who is a gay or may be now is a bisexual since he met Ameesha and is now seeing her. Maybe Ameesha is just a front for him to keep shis parents happy as he is their only son and the heir to their business empire."The e-mail further states, "Ameesha Patel dumped poor Vikram Bhatt after he supported her for three years. Her parents had emptied her bank accounts and left her without anything. Vikram gave her shelter, care, food, understanding, expensive gifts, diamonds and exquisite holidays abroad, taking her out to various restaurants and protection and that is what he got in return. When Ameesha's professional life and personal too with Vikram was on track, she bought a 4BHK penthouse and another 2 BHK house, one in Hyderabad too and all the frills that go with it."
The actress says, "Kanav and me were highly entertained by the article. It livened up a really dull day! This whole gay thing is hilarious! Trust me, Kanav is not gay. I should know," she giggles and adds, "We are intrigued that someone is so obsessed with us, knows things about both us, that even we don't. It was very entertaining. Vikram (Bhatt) has never been to Wharton; forget about studying there."
Ameesha says, "The girl seems to know more than me. Vikram's a sweet chap and a good friend. I had bought the 4BHK penthouse five years ago when I was dating Vikram. In fact, Vikram's mom had arranged for the pandit who did the griha- pravesh for the flat. It is me and only me who supports myself. Whatever I own today is through my hard work. By God's grace, I have the ability to and have always been financially independent. Vikram has never given me expensive gifts. But my other friends and he emotionally supported me when I didn't have a dime to my name. I don't need anybody to support myself. Anyways this is all too petty to even discuss."