DR: Mike plays a spiritual healer in "The Love Guru." What are your thoughts on spiritual gurus?
Jessica Alba: I think this movie is kind of perfect timing because it seems like a lot of these spiritual self-help books and this lifestyle are out there. You know, people kind of realize that after years and years of consuming and taking in what’s given to you and mass produced, I think people are over it and want to start looking inside and not necessarily going to, you know, huge companies and food and all these different things and instead being happy with themselves in a more quiet place. And I think its great, you know. I’m not addicted to self-help books or anything like that. But I’ve read "The Power of Now." I’ve read a couple of other self-helpy spiritual books. I think it can only just help you to you know, stay centered.
DR: What was it like kissing Mike Myers? Is it the same for all your kissing scenes? Is it like, "OK, here we go, we’ve got to kiss now!"
Jessica Alba: Well, they’re all different because you’re playing, like, different characters and they’re playing different characters and, you know. It’s this like big, over the top, you know, joyful kiss at the end of the movie.
DR: How do you react when the men’s magazines rave about the way you look and put you on their most beautiful lists?
Jessica Alba: They do it to everybody. I mean, every girl in their 20s is subjected to that. From musicians to actresses to models, they kind of put us all in the same category, whether it’s Beyonce, Angelina Jolie or Gisele Bundchen, we’re all on the same lists.
DR: Is it offensive?
Jessica Alba: They need to sell their magazines and you're part of pop culture, so if I wasn’t out there and I wasn’t in things that people recognized me in, then I wouldn’t be on those lists. If I was scraping by and hustling and trying to like get a job or do whatever I could, I wouldn’t be part of it. You know, I’ve been in things that are successful and you are recognizable and they want to sell their magazines. It’s just business.
DR: You have lots of friends in the business. How does that work? Are you competitive?
Jessica Alba: I’m not competitive. I’m very happy for my friends when they do well. Eva Mendes, Eva Longoria, Cameron Diaz, Kate Hudson, I want to see these girls have all their movies do well. You know, Rosario Dawson, Jamie King, I root for all of them. They’re great girls and they deserve it.
Jessica Alba - The Love Guru Press Stills